Our Unique Technology

Explore the computational infrastructure and know-how powering all our solutions that enable us to provide unique quantitative insights and actionable intelligence to the luxury watch industry.

  Collecting Intelligence

Data collection at an unprecedented scale capturing any intelligence relevant to the luxury watch industry in real-time

Comprehensive Database

We crafted our database with the goal of efficiently capturing any data that is relevant for generating insights, because the best way to generate accurate and actionable insights is to have access to the largest and highest quality dataset possible.

While most of this data collection process is automated, there are some parts of the dataset that necessitate manual entry by human experts to ensure the highest possible quality.

   Unique Features
   Retail Prices
   Used Prices
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Real-Time Distributed Architecture

Leveraging our expertise in fault-tolerant distributed systems and cloud computing, Horisti's intelligence collection architecture offers best-in-class availability and computational efficiency, allowing for robust real-time data collection and processing.

For used market pricing, Horisti's engine searches hundreds of online marketplaces and auction houses on a daily basis, collecting pricing and availability data on tens of thousands of timepieces.

  Analyzing Intelligence

Data analysis at an unprecedented scale generating any insights relevant to luxury watch industry stakeholders in real-time

Horological Value Model

For the first time, we have created a model to capture the intrinsic quality of any luxury watch. Broken down in terms of Luxury, Performance, and Utility scores, our algorithm quantifies everything that makes a particular watch well-made, in an objective and accurate way.

We firmly believe this scoring system will bring unprecedented transparency to the luxury watch market, and enable first-time watch buyers and seasoned collectors alike to maximize their value and discover watches they love like never before.

Measuring Objective Quality

Luxury Score


Performance Score


Utility Score


Total Score


Market Value Model

Leveraging our expertise in fault-tolerant distributed systems and cloud computing, Horisti's intelligence collection architecture offers best-in-class availability and computational efficiency, allowing for robust real-time data collection and processing.

For used market pricing, Horisti's engine searches hundreds of online marketplaces and auction houses on a daily basis, collecting pricing and availability data on tens of thousands of timepieces.

Measuring Market Performance



Used Value


Retail Value




Brand Image Model

We crafted our database with the goal of efficiently capturing any data that is relevant for generating insights, because the best way to generate accurate and actionable insights is to have access to the largest and highest quality dataset possible.

While most of this data collection process is automated, there are some parts of the dataset that necessitate manual entry by human experts to ensure the highest possible quality.

Measuring Brand Equity

PR Strength


Market Performance


Retail Strength


Total Score


Market Pricing Engine

Leveraging our expertise in fault-tolerant distributed systems and cloud computing, Horisti's intelligence collection architecture offers best-in-class availability and computational efficiency, allowing for robust real-time data collection and processing.

For used market pricing, Horisti's engine searches hundreds of online marketplaces and auction houses on a daily basis, collecting pricing and availability data on tens of thousands of timepieces.

Final Price Estimation

Advanced ML algorithms convert list prices collected from marketplaces to accurate final sales prices

Auction Results

Horisti's pricing engine also takes auction prices into account, allowing computation of market prices for vintage and rare watches

Future Price Modelling

Advanced ML classification and regression algorithms allow for price and trend modelling, a feature unique to Horisti

Real-Time Prices

Horisti's pricing engine ingests and analyzes pricing data from hundreds of online marketplaces and auctions in real-time, 24/7

  Transmitting Insights

Showcasing the results of our quantitative analysis to the right users in an optimal way to allow them to take appropriate action, all in real-time

A Mobile User Experience

Our modern SaaS solution was designed to work optimally in the environment you need it most: interacting with clients at your boutique. It is fully compatible with all smartphones and tablets, as well as all mobile web browsers, seamlessly integrating with your existing infrastructure.

Horisti's expertly crafted user experience ensures ease of use above all, allowing you to optimize the client experience while providing unique insights to drive sales right at your fingertips.

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Bespoke Dashboards

The best SaaS solution is the one made for you. Access tailor-made dashboards for reporting, analytics, and more based on your exact requirements.

Monitor your entire sales lifecycle in real-time, learn from predictive analytics, and harness the power of our advanced technologies from any device, anywhere.

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